

Sep 16, 2016 · 4. Vào từng thư mục và chạy các file eth-proxy.exe và ethminer-suprnova.bat. Lần đầu chạy nó sẽ mất thời gian tạo file DAG khá lâu, sau đó bạn thấy nó chạy đều những dòng như trong hình là ổn.

There is no more direct way of connecting your miners to the blockchain that the rpc connection to 'geth', … Windows Defender just identified eth-proxy.exe as a trojan. I'm assuming this is a false alarm, but I wanted to check before allowing it. Does anyone have any information on this? Close.

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難易度が上がって採算性が落ちてきているEtherの採掘ですが、ご自宅にあるパソコンや中古パーツを利用して、ラス… Jul 18, 2016 · Ами добре си работи пула. Пуснах го с прокси. Лошото при мен е, че работи само с една карта. като пусна 4 или 5 и ми забива всичко ама това си е от незнание при мен явн TASKKILL /IM eth-proxy.exe /F echo ETH-Proxy cerrado, esperenmos 3 segundos y lo abriremos de nuevo timeout /t 3 /nobreak START "ETH-Proxy" "eth-proxy.exe" goto inicio. 首先修改eth-proxy.conf中的收款地址和掉线报警邮箱,矿池地址等;运行eth-proxy.exe; 编辑ETHminer文件夹下的wakuang.bat, ethminer --farm-recheck 400 -G --cl-local-work 64 --cl-global-work 16384 Apr 25, 2017 · 4.

3.双击或以管理员身份运行eth-proxy.exe,核对钱包地址,观察是否领取到挖矿任务: 4.打开网络和共享中心,查看运行代理机器的IP地址,建议设置成固定IP: 5.以记事本为方式打开wakuang.bat,编辑IP地址 …

exe -o eu-stratum. 0 - eth-proxy mode (for example,, 1 - qtminer mode (for (and Stratum for Decred): EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal   5 Mar 2021 PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal auto-switching):.


首先修改eth-proxy.conf中的收款地址和掉線報警郵箱,礦池地址等;運行eth-proxy.exe; 編輯ETHminer文件夾下的wakuang.bat, ethminer --farm-recheck 400 -G --cl-local-work 64 - …

kelar deh bikin proxy nya, tinggal diakses pake etherminer, kalau pake genoil, tinggal bikin file bat yang isinya : Code: 4.

eth-proxy.exe . This report is generated from a file or URL submitted to this webservice on April 20th 2016 19:27:26 (UTC) Guest System: Windows 7 32 bit, Home Premium, 6.1 (build 7601), Service Pack 1 Windows Defender just identified eth-proxy.exe as a trojan. I'm assuming this is a false alarm, but I wanted to check before allowing it.


I'm assuming this is a false alarm, but I wanted to check before allowing it. Does anyone have any information on this? The first part “ ethminer.exe ” is simply calling for the ethminer.exe program to execute. For this to work properly, the.bat file should be in the same directory as the ethminer.exe. The rest of the line are the options being fed into the ethminer program when it is called.

Open a command prompt window by entering “cmd” in  29 Mar 2016 ethminer.exe --farm-recheck 200 -C -F I run my eth-proxy then start the miner but my log shows that I  26 Apr 2016 How to setup the Stratum Proxy for use with Dwarfpool.Eth-Proxy Download Link Miner  This is Stratum Proxy for Ethereum Pool using asynchronous networking EXE file for Windows, so that it was not be necessary to install all  Some mining pool offers stratum mining mining by using a proxy, one coinotron. Excess use Download official Windows binaries (EXE) has coinotron here. Tutorial How to mining using stratum proxy — Hive - 20 Feb 2018 Ethereum mining reward is the combination of four factors and we distribute these 1) Block finding Reward: 2 ETH PhoenixMiner.exe -pool  After a short time, my miner page on ethermine. exe -epool eth-eu1. 1. org: 4444 (TLS disabled) Immediately lost connection on ETHPROXY stratum mode.


Lần đầu chạy nó sẽ mất thời gian tạo file DAG khá lâu, sau đó bạn thấy nó chạy đều những dòng như trong hình là ổn. Intel 1151. Intel1150. Intel1155. AMD FM2/FM2+ 华擎 B150A-X1. 华擎 H81 Pro BTC. 华擎H61 Pro BTC. 华擎FM2A58+BTC. 华擎 H170A-X1.

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首先修改eth-proxy.conf中的收款地址和掉线报警邮箱,矿池地址等;运行eth-proxy.exe; 编辑ETHminer文件夹下的wakuang.bat, ethminer --farm-recheck 400 -G --cl-local-work 64 --cl-global-work 16384

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