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Anytime, anywhere, across your devices. Welcome to Granny: Chapter Two. Granny and Grandpa keeps you locked in his house this time. To survive You have to try to get out of his house, but be careful and quiet.

Choose a convenient pickup or delivery time and we’ll do the shopping for you. Welcome to Granny: Chapter Two. Granny and Grandpa keeps you locked in his house this time. To survive You have to try to get out of his house, but be careful and quiet. Granny hears everything as usual. Grandpa doesn't hear very well but he hits hard. If you drop something on the floor, Granny hears it and comes running.

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Welcome to Granny: Chapter Two. Granny and Grandpa keeps you locked in his house this time. To survive You have to try to get out of his house, but be careful and quiet. Granny hears everything as usual. Grandpa doesn't hear very well but he hits hard. If you drop something on the floor, Granny hears it and comes running. You can hide in wardrobes or under beds. You have 5 days. Be careful!

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